
It allows the use of a wide range of tools for sharing text, files, multimedia, tests, which we can organize into a pedagogically meaningful whole. It is advisable to create one course in MOODLE for each subject.

The MOODLE installation for LFP is at You are logging in with data in CAS. The environment is intuitive, you can get quick help by hovering over the question mark next to each item.

Any teacher can request the creation of a course. Write your need in MS Teams and someone from the team will discuss everything with you and start the course on Moodle.

What should a course in Moodle look like? Get inspired by LFP standards of e-learning materials.

How to insert a video link into Moodle as Label, Page or Book

More detailed instructions for LMS MOODLE can be found on the website of the Central Library or in the very successful MOODLE documentation.